Our story

Alice and Bob were two ordinary people with extraordinary dreams. With determination, hard work and the help of medical equipment, they set out to achieve their goals despite any obstacles in their way. Through determination and perseverance, the two inspired each other on their journey as they overcame each challenge one at a time. With their newfound strength, they made it to the other side with a newfound respect for themselves and the power of medical technology. Now they use this experience to inspire others to push through difficult times and reach their own dreams.

Our Product

Remote Patient and Resident Bed Based Monitoring Solution

MEIDISHEET is a multi-sensor sheet that lies under a patient's bedding and monitors vital pressure data. This information is provided in real-time to our web-based platform and alerts your staff to a number of potential issues, including pressure injuries, fall risk, or unscheduled vacancy from the bed.


The Concern


Pressure Ulcers

2.5 Million+

People in the U.S. develop

pressure ulcers


Fall Injuries

$50 billion+

Medical cost for fall injuries

treated in emergency rooms each year


Have you Checked On Me?

12.5 hours+

The average time between welfare

checks for elderly and at-risk patients


Pressure Sores


The potential cost to a healthcare

facility to treat one pressure sore.

Here's Where We Help

Keeping Uncertainty Out of the Equation

Pressure Ulcers

A person can form a stage II pressure ulcer by laying in the same position on the same pressure point without movement in an hour and half. In the traditional method caregivers have to monitor their watches and make the rounds preventing these painful wounds. MEIDISHEET allows the caregiver to be on demand and engage with the person when they need to be repositioned.



There are 36 million falls by elders 65 and older per year, 1 out of 5 of the falls result in broken bones, or head injuries, and treated in the ER. MEIDISHEET alerts the caregiver if there is a prolonged absence from the bed when expected.


Visual Validation

MEIDISHEET gives the caregiver a view of the person on the bed without disturbing them while they sleep or enter the room and cause them to react negatively. Our software will give the caregivers the ability to validate that their person is where they need to be when they need to be there. MEIDISHEET also allows the family to remotely monitor their loved ones and their current status in bed.


The Features

What Makes Us Unique


24/7 Monitoring


Alert Alarms


Alert Staff


Body Map Formation


User Friendly


500+ Pressure Sensors




Easily Scalable


Eliminate Identity Risk